How to upgrading the Firmware (BIOS)
BIOS is the Firmware that handles all hardware in the caliper.
The BIOS needs to be upgraded on occasion as follows:
- Unzip the Downloaded file.
- Reset the DP II by giving a short press on all five (5) buttons at the same time on the terminal. The DP II resets.
- Navigate to the ”USB” menu with right arrow button.
- Press Enter.
- Connect the USB adapter to the DP II and the USB cable to the USB adapter and PC.
- The PC operating system will initiate connection to the DP II. The DP II now works as a USB memory stick (MSD device)
- Start the PC file explorer and copy the new Bios file (ex. ”DP2 V2.XX.DPB”) to the root directory.
- Also copy this files if they are missing in the root directory: ”BiosLoadV10.DPL”, ”autorun.inf”, and ”DPII.ico”.
- Disconnect the PC with Escape in the DP II.
- Remove the USB adapter by releasing the stop and pulling the USB adapter backwards.
- Reset the DP II with a short press on all five (5) buttons at the same time. The DP II restarts and updates the Bios.
Change log History
- V2.01 release
- V2.02 bug fix licence
- V2.03
- fix delete file in sub dirs
- fix Obex send multiple files
- license range overides licence
- irq stack expanded
- V2.04
- license range overides licence
- V2.05
- Disp_EnterNum with scale
- V2.06
- Unsync scale feature
- V2.07
- fix display overflow
- V2.08
- Stöd för Postex DME
- Data mappen återskapas när program startar (om anv. ev. raderat den)
- Fix licensiering vid nivå>1
- Volumen döps till DPII (enklare att hitta drive för användaren)
- Extra info i setup-filen(SETTINGS\setup.bin)
- Startar progväljare vid reset
- Datum fix när klaven skapar filer
- V2.09
- Flyttat avstängning av laddning från usb interrupt rutinerna till USB_MSD_FS_Start
- Checkbox scroll
- Lyse när USB startar och sparar filer
- v2.10
- Fast save borttagen i kermit
- v2.11
- Support ny vinkelgivare BMA280
- Pil Ned fix vid textinmatning (dubbelstudds)
- V2.12
- Möjlighet att knappa in ny licens
- V2.13
- Certificate och Kermit delay fix för Komatsu
- V2.14
- Remote Button turn off func
- Keyboard bluetooth profile
- Acurrate Gps fix
- More Languages Polish, Estonian
- V215
- Wake SmartScale when measuring dia each 30s, even if no dia is measured, fastening up diameter readings
Obex error msg when small files <200b works anyway, fix in 2.15
- Wake SmartScale when measuring dia each 30s, even if no dia is measured, fastening up diameter readings
- V216
- Bluetooth Keyboard no pin code
- -V217
- Usb loop break if 5V is lost
- V218
- Gps removed min speed limit
- Gps 0.6s update
- V219
- Redo Gps removed min speed limit (after rec gps init msg)
- removed Gps 0.6s update(Easy works only in 1Hz mode)
- Dpgs field in zon field 0,1,2=Sbas
- V220
- DpDme fungerade ej efter att DpDmeGpsInit anropats pga att CTS ej stängdes av.
- V221
- Scanner test funktion
- V222
- DpGps fix om DpDmeGpsExit anropas fast Init inte detekterade en DpGps
- V223
- Fix BiosByte MAC
- V224
- Usb driver fix (PCBios problem to detect DPII)
- V224
- Usb fix, problem med PC Bios vid PCC Boot (Usb drivrutin far inte OnResume)
- V225
- Usb Init flyttad till usb rutin (gors varje gang)
- Icon SelectSymbol aut Usb
- fix tilt bandbredd, definiera axel mojlig
- V226
- Screen reverse function
- V227
- SlopeCorrector support
- V228
- WT12 Bluetooth V5.6 support
- -V240
- Support ny Bluetooth modul
- V241
- PostexDmeGps support
- MDII/DPII visas vid Bluetooth sökning
- V242
- USB låsning fix, ska ej behöva reset som tidigare
- V243
- set slave as default V2.43
- BLE Send File file open when fail corrected
- V244
- skottår fix
- Y2036 fix, klockan fungerar nu till 2099 istället för att slå om 2036 till 1900
- V245
- DPII frendly namn för RF “_COM”
- BLE ansluter aut mot sista anslutna BT/BLE Enhet
- V247
- Urs PTB, Code when change Bios, Vertex enebled despite PTB
- V248
- Tilt BMA423 support
- V249
- Vertex+Geo Bluetooth support
- V249
- Vertex + Geo Bluetooth support
- V250
- Long file name fix, Bluetooth Keyb (must have latest bluetooth firmware)
- V251
- Ir fix Vertex5
- V252
- Disto support, GpsPos fix long can be 0 if 8 chars in hgt data
- V260
- DOC lib created. Dual BT+BLE connection possible
- V261
- DPMEGPS SIM32ELA EASY enable support+DMEGPS status info fix. Bluetooth send/recieve files, ClosePort fix bluetooth (disconnect)LVM problem