Vertex 5 – Firmware v 2.10


  • V2.0 release
  • V2.1 language+sensor error msg
  • V2.2 Mem menu added to main menu 2020-11, ico settings changed
  • V2.3 Sample Tiltsensor faster(10Hz->70Hz) and more points (16->112)
  • V2.3 2021-01-11 Finish added
  • V2.4 2021-01-29 Faster angle measurment, filtering as in VertexIV
  • V2.5 2021-03-17 DME button start faster
  • V2.6 2022-02-25 Blue update fix
  • V2.7 2022-09-21 BT122 support
  • V2.8 2023-11-17 Adjustable BAF factor, support for PCB V2.2
  • V2.9 2024-02-13 Ir Fix för DP2
  • V2.10 2024-05-31 Ryss flagg empty, DME count from 3 to 5 tries

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How to upgrade the firmware in the Instrument

  1. Download this firmware and unzip the file (Vertex5_1000_2.10.VX5)
  2. Turn on the Vertex 5 Instrument
  3. Select Setting from the main menu and press “ON”
    1. Select Memory and press “ON”
    2. Select Upgrade and press “ON”
  4. Move desired Firmware Update to folder of your choosing in File Explorer
  5. Start Haglof BLE Commander application on your computer.
    1. If you do not have access to the Haglof BLE Commander, it can be downloaded from: – Downloads & Shop – Windows Applications.
    2. Download and install Haglof BLE Commander
    3. Select the Vertex 5 with corresponding serial number from the Device List
    4. Once recognized, select SEND
      1. Choose Firmware update previously placed in File Explorer folder and select OPEN
  6. The transfer should begin
  7. Once Transfer is complete, power down the Vertex 5 by simultaneously depressing both Arrow Buttons
  8. Hold the SEND button down and press the ON button to begin the upgrade procedure.